James and Andrea Phillips, Class of 1996. We have been married now for five years and have one child, Stone Xander Phillips, who will be two years old this Halloween. We bought a house in Adamsville three years ago and love the quiet little street where we live.

What was your favorite high school memory?
It is corny, but our favorite memory during high school was the friendship we built, which has been a strong foundation for our marriage. We were best friends in high school and we are best friends today.
Who was your favorite teacher and why?
James: I had so many great teachers at Dora, but I would choose Mrs. Judy Sides, because she treated me like a second son.
Andrea: Coach Donnie Morgan because his class was so fun
What was the most important thing you learned in school?
James: Communication skills.
Andrea: Anatomy. I’ve had to use a lot of what I learned in Anatomy class with work.
What are you currently doing and how did you arrive at this point in
your life?
James: I’m a systems analyst for EDS and work at the Bellsouth Data Center in Hoover, Alabama. That’s my “day job”. I’m also an award-winning freelance writer. I’m a member of the Alabama Sports Writers Association and my sports work is routinely seen in most newspapers around the state. I’ve also recently started writing a monthly humor column for Birmingham-Parent magazine. In April, my business partner Chace Frost and myself opened First Rate Productions. It is a all-encompassing media company. We do video and still photography as well as website design..
Andrea: I’m currently a full-time mom. Before Stone came along, I worked at Southern Research Institute on Southside for four years as a research technician in the large animal lab. I plan on going back to SRI someday after the kids get a little older. I’m also doing a little dog-grooming on the side.

Who are your heroes?
James: Growing up it was Hulk Hogan and Michael Jordan. These days I would say my parents, family and friends. They are the true heroes for being able to put up with me all these years.
Andrea: Mary mother of Jesus, because after becoming a mother I realize what a sacrifice she had to endure. The pain and suffering would have been too much for me to withstand.
How do you want to be remembered?
Andrea: I want to be remembered as very friendly, nice and sweet.
James: I would like to be remembered as the opposite of Andrea, mean and surly. Seriously, I would like to be remembered as someone who could bring a smile to people’s faces no matter what the situation.
Any hobbies, special activities, pets, or anything of interest?
We have two pets right now. Cat: Grey Kitty (name is self-explanatory) and Dog: Simon (A lab). We recently lost our other dog Midget. She was a corgi that we had since before we were married. She was a great dog and James actually cried when she died.