by Patricia Martin

Dora High School had a very successful career week this year during the last week of January. During career week the school invites people from the private sector to come into the classrooms to talk to students about different professions. The school prefers Dora alumni, but anyone who wants to participate is invited. We had speakers on Nursing, Law, Psychology, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Banking, Veterinary Medicine, Medicine, as well as others. Speakers spoke to classes for approximately 30 minutes each.

Also, Several colleges and branches of the military set up information tables in the lobby that students may visit during their lunch. Finally,
the week ended with job shadowing day where all ninth graders who wanted to participate were allowed to go out into the private sector and actually see people on the job. Students who weren’t able to go to an actual job site
went to the CHS building where they went to several career centers to find out about different career opportunities.

This event is usually held the last week in January annually.