I’m Jeremy Moon, class of 1995. I’m currently stationed in Washington D.C. I am married to Andrea Lombard of Jasper. I have 2 handsome little boys; John-Bailey, 3 and Eli, 4 months. I graduated with honors in ’95. My favorite memory is playing football (in the traditional gold helmets) with a great group of guys and going undefeated in class 5A in ’92. My favorite teacher is one who never had me in any of his classes; my dad, Bill Moon. The reason, other than the obvious, is that I have watched for 27 years as he has devoted his life to helping young people become successful adults. The most important thing I learned in high school was that you only get out of life what you put into it, which was also our class motto. I am currently serving as a presidential honor guardsman in the U.S. Coast Guard working in ceremonies for President George W. Bush and traveling from Arlington National Cemetery to cities around the country performing full honors funerals for fallen servicemen.

My hobbies are running and playing basketball and softball. My heroes are my grandfather, James M. Nix, and Paul “Bear” Bryant. My future goals are to complete a successful career in the Coast Guard, return home to Alabama to teach high school, and eventually pursue a political position.
Jeremy Moon who was profiled a few months ago was one of the Honor Guards in the Funeral for former President Ronald Reagan. He is often on the presidential detail participating in special events in Washington.
He has been featured in the Daily Mountain Eagle and most recently mentioned in a story about the Reagan Funeral in The Birmingham News.