Profile: Joe Brewer

Name, where you currently live, family info, and the year you Graduated.
Joe Brewer (Joseph). Graduated in 1969. My wife and I live between Sumiton and Jasper at “Argo.” This is where I grew up and now have returned to. My son graduated high school in Japan and moved to Tacoma. He’s never seen himself as an Alabamian. He was never here long enough. My daughter lives in Boldo with her husband and three children.
What was your favorite high school memory?
Going to football games.

Who was your favorite teacher and why?
I’m glad they were there but I didn’t have a favorite in high school. I did at Sumiton, though. It was David Morgan.

What was the most important thing you learned in school?
English. The ability to speak and, more importantly, write correctly is one of my most valuable tools. I’ll tell you whut, I done used ‘em more ‘n’ once ‘n’ that ain’t no lie.

What are you currently doing and how did you arrive at this point
in your life?
I currently work for the Forest Service at Bankhead National Forest. I work in the business office handling a number of things in finance, human resources, and computer systems. I’m also a wildland firefighter and heavy equipment operator. I respond to wildfires at the Bankhead and occasionally travel to other parts of the country to assist on large fires and disasters, natural and manmade. It can sometimes be heartbreaking but overall, I love what I’m doing.
Prior to that, I retired from the Army. My career was spent mostly in in Germany and Japan, with some time in Latin America and at the Pentagon. I was in the infantry, then administration, and security.
I was drafted when I was 19, served two years and returned to the civilian world. I worked and went to school while my wife and I (mostly my wife) raised a couple of kids. I worked construction, carpentry, and in a pipe foundry. In 1979, I rejoined the Army and now enjoy the benefits.
I attended Alabama Christian and Birmingham Southern Colleges.

Who are your heroes?
My dad is gone now but he is my hero. He never had it easy but he always did his best for us.

What do you want to do when you grow up? What are your dreams?
I only have a few more years left with the Forest Service and I’m going to ride the river and sit on the porch.

How do you want to be remembered?
I’ll be remembered as “Paw Paw” and that’s good enough.

Any hobbies, special activities, pets, or anything of interest?
I do a little fishing and golfing but mostly just boating, watching football, and spending time with the grandkids. The youngest, Mary, not quite two years, loves to watch football with me. And I have a beagle named Crocodile (short for crocodile hunting dog). He does a good job. How many crocodiles have you seen in Argo?

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