Profile: Brandi Bigham

My name is Brandy Rachel Wynn Bigham and I married Michael Ledale Bigham of McCalla December 6 2003. I have daughter through Michael’s previous marriage. Kaylee Nicole. I graduated in 1994.

What was your favorite high school memory? Me and Charlee Hodges Rodgers yelling at all the Pep rallies and winning the Spirit Stick!!!! GO DAWGS!!!

Who was your favorite teacher and why?
Mrs. Judy Sides. She always had a smile for me and always let me know I had potential as a writer.

What was the most important thing you learned in school?
LOL….How to get a way with murder….

What are you currently doing and how did you arrive at this point in your life?
I work at MedAssist in Inverness of 280. I deal with patients on a daily bases that need financial help paying their medical bills. I finally married after finding the man of my dreams and am currently building a house so we can raise Kaylee and a little family of our own.

Who are your heroes?
My mom and dad, they have been my Spiritual leaders and taught me what a marriage should be.

What do you want to do when you grow up?What are your dreams?
EVERYTHING!!!! Actually, I am having several plays published, along with writing a Christian fiction novel now.

How do you want to be remembered?
That I was a loyal friend who had a smile for everyone.

Any hobbies, special activities, pets, or anything of interest?
Just two turtles…Linus and Sally

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