1. Name, where you currently live, family info, and the year you graduated:
Hello Everyone! My name is Belinda Riley Vance. I am a graduate of the Class of 1985. I have been blessed with one daughter Jennifer Ashley who is 17 years old. I currently live in Edmonton, Alberta Canada with my partner Doug who has three boys Eric 18 yrs old, Nick 8 yrs old, and Brett 3 yrs old.
2. What was your favorite high school memory?
Well I would say my favorite High School memories were being part of “The Pride of Walker County”. From long, sweaty, tedious afternoon practices to Football Games, Contests, Concerts, Parades and Band Trips. My time in the Band was always enjoyable and very memorable. We went through 3 band teachers while I was in High School and my favorite was Mr Randall Wallace.

3. Who was your favorite teacher and why?
I remember all my teachers for different reasons but there is one teacher that is always and will always be apart from the rest and that is Mr Charles Dean. He knew what to say and how to say where we could understand. He taught me so much about the appreciation of literature, whether or not you actually enjoy the piece. Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, MacBeth (Out, damn spot!), these all bring back special memories when I hear bits and pieces of them.
4. What was the most important thing you learned in school?
There was a number of important things that I learned in school. If I had to choose one, the most important thing that I learned was that many times there is more than one way to solve a problem.
5. What are you currently doing and how did you arrive at this point in your life?
I am currently living with my partner in Alberta, Canada. I am a stay at home domestic goddess. I have a AAS in Medical Transcription from Bevill State Community College. Before moving to Canada in September 2003, I spent 5 years in Las Vegas, Nevada working as a switchboard operator at a major medical facility.
6. Who are your heroes?
My Grandmother is my Hero she raised her 2 children then had to raise me and my sister also. She worked hard and even though times were hard we never wanted for anything. I still lean on her today, even through my mistakes she was always there for me and I can hear her saying “You’re not the first one to make mistakes and you sure won’t be the last”. I often ask myself in trying times what she would do or say if she were here and I hear those words ringing in my ears.

7. What do you want to do when you grow up? What are your dreams?
I refuse to grow up I’m a Toys R Us kid! *smile*! I am pretty comfortable with where I am in my life. I have been blessed with a beautiful daughter and a wonderful, loving, caring partner. I just want to live each day to its fullest and to make sure the people in my life know how much they mean to me on a daily basis.
8. How do you want to be remembered?
I want to be remembered by my partner as someone who loved deeply and freely, and who was his very best friend. I want to be remember by my daughter as someone who loved unconditionally, someone who was fair, and someone who really did understand her. I want to be remembered by my friends as a real friend someone who was honest, generous, caring and supportive.
9. Any hobbies, special activities, pets, or anything of interest?
The computer is my main hobby, I build websites for close friends and for personal fun. I am fluent in HTML and javascript. If I am not online my second love is cooking and baking. I also love to do needlework and read.