I was surprised and delighted recently when I got an email from Glenn Allen Bobo which said “did you realize that another writer that graduated from Dora has a book published?” I told him that I had not heard. He told me that Britt Sullivan has written a number of books but recently had one published.
I sent Britt a note and asked if he would consider doing an interview for the website and he graciously agreed. Since my schedule is fairly packed, I asked if I could just send some questions and have him answer them as he had time. What follows is a glimpse at author, Jack Britton Sullivan.

Q: Tell us a little about yourself:
A: Jack and Wanda Sullivan are my father and mother, Jennifer and Janna Sullivan are my sisters. I graduated DHS in 1987 and I live in Birmingham, Alabama.
Q: Have you kept in touch with any of your old teachers or classmates?
A. Joe Potts and I remain good friends to this day. He was my history teacher. Sean Moore and I also remain close and in contact. He was my best friend and graduated with me.
Q: Was there a teacher(s) that had an impact on your drive to succeed?
A. The teacher that impacted me the most was Coach Hezzie Morgan. I’ve always been fascinated by intensity, discipline and raw will. I never got along with him, didn’t really even like him, but I absolutely respected his nature. And to survive in the writing business through 175 rejections and constant, assault filled critiques you better have will, thick skin and discipline. Nothing can kill you or you go home crying. People quit too easy. Hezzie never quit. The world’s a weird mixture of hate and love, too much of either and you’re done for.

Q: What did you learn in school that helped you become who you are today
A: My teachers offered an abundance of knowledge but when I was young I was always sub-par and not living up to their expectations.