Lacy Barnett, a Remarkable Story

It certainly was not reassuring to go into combat with men carrying rifles that have a tag affixed that read “combat unserviceable”; or with men wearing tennis shoes into a…

Memories of Virginia Teaford Murray

Home Folks Ruth BakerPublished September 12, 2002 8:43 PM CDTVirginia Teaford Murray celebrates her 90th birthday today. She has worn many “hats” in these fourscore years and ten. She was…

Remembering Mrs. Andrews

Dora students were blessed with many excellent teachers, but there is one, Josephine Andrews, that I like to refer to as “Mrs. Dora High School.”First of all, I remember her…

The Life and times of Mary Robinson McGinnis

I graduated in 1951. I remember all too well what I wanted to do upon graduation I wanted to get married because I was dating my high school sweetheart and…

Interview with Dorothy Ellison

I talked to several people before I interviewed Mrs. Dorothy Ellison. Everyone I spoke with classified her as a great teacher… one that made a difference in their lives. Some…

Watkins Field – Not as Big as I Remember

I remember the first time I went to a football game at Watkins Field. I was in the fourth grade at Dora Elementary. It was a Friday night in September…..we…

James Phillips – Life After Dora High

It is hard to believe it’s already been over six years since I left DoraHigh School and 10 years since I first set foot in the school as a nerdyfreshman.…

Bruce Hamrick Elected VP of State Association

Hamrick elected VP of state associationCHRIS BURROUGHS The Daily Mountain EaglePublished August 31, 2002 1:06 AM CDT Walker County now has a strong ally in the association that represents county…

The Old School

Some of the younger alumni probably don’t remember the old Dora High School but it’s a place I’ll never forget. The floors were treated with some kind of oil so…

Remembering Mr. Gant

In sorting through some old photographs, I came across this one of Mr. Gant, the principal at Dora High from 1951, to 1973. I’ve heard a lot of stories about…