Brief History of the Class of 1941

HISTORY by Emogene and Tom Sandlin

Four short years ago, 48 happy-go-lucky freshmen entered the doors of our Alma Mater to begin our high school education. It took time for us freshmen to become accustomed to the new life and the new customs which high school life offered. From reading, writing, and arithmetic, we had risen to adventures in science and literature.

In the fall of 1938, we happily entered our Sophomore year; our freshness had disappeared and we had become quite familiar with the school customs and curriculum. During this and the remaining two years we were able to enjoy more social functions of the school life. Our class increased to 87 by the coming of students from the other schools of our district.

Entering our Junior year we regretfully lost 11 of our class. We enjoyed giving Peter Beware, a three act comedy, to raise money for our Jr.-Sr. banquet, one of the most notable events of the year. This year was so filled with activities — mental, physical, and social — that before we realized it, the time had come to move on.

Becoming “Dignified” Seniors caused no change in our feelings — toward ourselves and toward the rest of the school. We were fortunate to have Fay Thomas, Lucille Elliott, and Nathalee Baxter join our class so near the end of our journey. In our first class meeting, the class officers were elected:
President-Morris Baxter; Vice President-Arlie Lawler; Secretary-Fay Thomas; Treasurer-Bobby Scogin. Miss Dana Prickett, our most beloved teacher, who was also our home room teacher during our high school career, was unanimously elected to be our sponsor. Through her patient guidance and her initiative, we have been able to progress and she has led us through the struggles of our high school life.

Although our lessons suffered greatly, this year seemed to blossom forth and to be really worth while. It was filled with activities — athletics, musical achievements, club activities, the Senior play, the school paper, the annual, the Jr.-Sr. banquet and preparation for graduation. Thus, through tears, through laughter, through fears, through joy, through
work, through play, we have reached the top of the ladder; and as we, the Senior Class of 1941, understand our endeavors, we have achieved the pinnacle of success!

Throughout life may we always strive to fulfill the meaning of our motto: “TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE”!

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