2003 Reunion

The Dora High School reunion was a great success with more attendees than ever before. At last count there were over 130 but the crowd looked much bigger. Bobbye Wade, the Dora High School Alumni president will have the final count on Monday. The Class of 53 was honored and had the largest number of classmates represented.

David Uptain earned the honor of “Dora High School Alumni of the Year”. David gave a touching speech and talked about how his father encouraged him as a child. He learned the lesson from his father and encouraged his children as well. He urged the attendees to take a special interest in the young folks coming up now and to encourage them to reach high. We hope to have an interview with David in the next few days.

The Dora High School Alumni Reunion

by Jilda Watson

I did something this past weekend I had never done before… I went to the Dora High Alumni banquet. And guess what! It was fun! I saw friends (and even a couple of relatives) that I had not seen in a long time. I reacquainted myself with folks whom I had gone to school with, but were in different grades than I. It was a really interesting group, from all walks of life, all ages yet, we all shared a common thread, we attended Dora High School.
For those of you who have never attended (and you are legions), you should come next year. It’s not a class reunion, you don’t have to lose 10 lbs. You don’t have to dress up, (Rick and I wore jeans) and you don’t have to stand up and discuss your life! The food was good, the entertainment, well here’s where I get just a little prejudiced. The Overalls, the trio that Rick and I, along with our friend Steve Norris perform with was the entertainment. I think folks enjoyed us, no one threw tomatoes or booed. Anyway, next year, I challenge you, to do something you’ve never done before, attend the DHS Alumni Banquet.

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