I’m Dana Nix Moore, a very proud member of the Dora High School Class of 1984. I live in Montgomery with my husband, Russell, and our two children, Dorothy 10, and William 4. My parents are Dan and Carolyn Nix, who still live in Burnwell. Good Lord, I have so many wonderful memories of DHS it’s difficult to choose a favorite. Actually, my good memories run all the way back to T.S. Boyd Elementary… does anyone else remember how tasty the popcorn was that Mrs. Babbs would bring around on the little cart at “break” time? Popcorn and a Sundrop… yum.
Or do you remember the little creek down the hill behind the playground?

It was strictly off limits, but somehow we would manage to sneak down the hill when the teachers weren’t watching and catch crawdad.
From junior high I remember that old coal furnace that more often than not belched more smoke than heat, and the wonderful aroma of Sugar Daddies melting on the radiators. At one point, the building was in such bad shape we actually could pass notes through the wall from one classroom to the other. We were so discreet I really think some of us could have been recruited as CIA operatives. I guess we’re too old now.
My years at DHS, minus a few melodramatic moments of failed romance, were fairly innocent and downright blissful. As a member of the band I had a built in group of friends, and between rehearsals, band camp (which was always at the University of Montevallo), competition, and simply goofing off in the bandroom, life was good. The Miss DHS pageant was always fun, not so much because of the pageant itself, but because of those long rehearsals where you had an excuse to hang out with friends for hours on end.
There were many teachers that did an excellent job of getting me prepared for college and adulthood, but Ms. Sandra Stricklen has to be at the top of the list. She was genuinely interested in each student living up to their potential, and was rather crafty at getting us to put forth extra effort without realizing it. She also managed to execute that very difficult maneuver of treating us as young adults without loosing her place as the adult to be respected.
I’ve thought long and hard about the most important lessons I learned in high school.
When it comes right down to it, the importance of true friendship and feeling connected to a community are what sticks with me the most. I had many good, supportive friends. Kelly Davis Dodson was by best friend from first grade through graduation, and perhaps still is. While we don’t see each other nearly as much as we would like, she’s a true friend. We can pick up a conversation at anytime, and a genuine respect for each other is still right there.
There are times when I think it would be nice to go back to those years at Dora High. Not to change anything, because I don’t think I would. Just for the chance to do it all again with an appreciation for how precious the times and people were and are.
After high school I went to Huntingdon College, where I earned a B.A. in English. With minors in Business and History, I naturally ended up as the golf manager at an exclusive country club! Not a small feat considering I don’t play golf. It was a lot of fun, but the hours were horrendous, so after a year or so of that I moved back home and worked at UAB in the Small Business Development Center, where I had interned the summer before finishing college.

While working at UAB in business and economic development I met my husband, Russell, who works in economic development for the state in the areas of high tech, aerospace and energy. He’s quite clever, and rather handsome, which is always a nice perk in a spouse. While I entertain daydreams of being a stay at home mom, I now work full time as Portfolio Manager for the Southern Development Council.
We have a small business loan portfolio of $120,000,000 and serve Alabama, Mississippi, and the Florida panhandle. My glamorous role in the organization is to make sure folks pay their loan on time, and take appropriate action when they don’t. Isn’t that stay at home mom stuff sounding more attractive by the moment?
As for heroes, my parents are at the top of the list. Both Mom and Dad made many sacrifices to provide a loving, traditional home for us. If I grow up (“if” is very much the operative word) and folks say I’m just like my parents, a finer compliment I’d never receive.